About Us
At Energi Wellness, we combine our medical expertise with our passion to help patients reach optimal levels of health and wellness through our services. We recognize that everyone’s needs are unique, therefore, we put together a wide range of services to provide the highest quality of care that meets each individual's needs. We strive towards perfection to meet and exceed our customer’s expectations. Our hope is that everyone leaves Energi feeling their absolute best and have taken a step further towards becoming a better you.

At Energi Wellness we offer intravenous infusions designed by our medical staff and leaders in the Integrative medical industry. We offer a wide range of options that address many major issues, symptoms and conditions. Whether you are looking for immediate relief, training for a big event, starting a cleanse, dealing with symptoms of a medical condition, or just to see what it feels like, we’ve got something for you.

When you enter the CRYOSAUNA the drop in temperature triggers your survival instincts. As your skin reacts to the cold, your blood vessels constrict which causes the blood in the extremities to be pushed to the internal organs. The internal organs enrich the blood with oxygen, enzymes, and nutrients. The immune system also starts to produce more white blood cells which boosts your immune system and reduces inflammation.